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Daniel's Wild Week in Mallorca - Day 6
Part: 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10

Photo Credit: Ulf Haase

by Daniel Edman of Stockholm, Sweden

From some stupid reason I wake up early this particular Friday morning, clearly remembering departure was set to 8.45. At 7:30 I leave the warmth and comfort of my bed and short after I�m with the others in the breakfast room. They still keep talking about the mountains and again I search the hotel for a doctor who can do an instant mental check. But no such doctor is to be found.

At 08:45 the entire gang is standing outside the hotel, and Johan informs that first we will head for the City Dump outside Pollenca that was frequently visited during the first two days. From there one group will head for the mountains, he says, while the other group will be guided by Karolin and Benny on more flat ground. Up to the Pollenca City Dump the speed is moderate and not many words are spoken, there seems to be excitement in the air.

Outside Pollenca the mountaineers turn out to be Johan, Ulf, Marten,Mats and myself. I just have to be in, cannot stand the idea of hearing about the mountains afterwards and not having been there myself. In order to make the climb easier Ulf is using his older plastic 4-wheel skates, Johan is also on 4-wheel frames and Marten removes 2 wheels from each frame. Mats and myself, the only real Men in the group, use our ordinary 5-wheele skates. Man or mouse, I just ask?

more climbing
Photo Credit: Ulf Haase

There is little traffic this Friday morning and we are going road 710 westward from Pollenca. Marten reports 3 wheels are not enough on flat surface, he is slower than usually but can still keep up with us. After some 4 kilometers the road starts ascending, and we skip the drafting for individual speed and leg frequency. The inclination increases and stays in-between steep and very steep all the way to the very top. Maybe the last few 100 meters are not that steep but at that stage I�m too tired to judge.

Between steep and steeper parts there are hairpin curves, which are not flat if you may think so. They are equally steep and strength consuming as the rest of the climb. We are basically not having one single meter of flat ground until we reach the summit at 1600 ft altitude.

more climbing
Photo Credit: Ulf Haase

Maybe 1600 ft altitude does not sound too much to you, in fact its quite easy both to say and to write, but I suggest you skate it yourself. Until you have tried it you would not know how it feels.

We are proud to say we performed this climb without stopping, but in order to describe how my thighs feel when reaching the top, I have to use the expression "stiff like telephone poles in an Artic winter". Once at the top we get a 15 minute rest before the car comes and picks us up to drive us down to where we can continue the skate. Since we are not having any brakes we definitely do not want to go downhill these mountains, so we arranged with a car to drive us down again.

The car comes, picks us up and drives us down to the road crossing at Col de Sa Batalla. From here we keep on skating to the summit at Gorg Blau, 1800 ft altitude.

Gorg Blau
Photo Credit: Ulf Haase

 More of This Article
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6/disciplines/roller-sports/
Day 7
If You Only Have 2 Days
Once here, the climbing activities for today are through and with a final help from the car we are transported down to Selva. This route down is steeper than the one we came on our way up, and I�m actually happy the asphalt quality is so poor it is basically unskatable. If it were not, Johan would have gone for this route the day after. And "poor stupid me" would probably have followed him�

Ulf and Mats are in a hurry to get back to Alcudia for some domestic obligations. Johan, Marten and myself prepare for a final 35-40 kilometer "speed blast" from Selva via Inca, Llubi and Sa Pobla back to Alcudia. The conditions are very good and the GPS indicates 35 km/h when we are working our way home.

Mountain Skaters
Photo Credit: Ulf Haase

This day counts 84 kilometers and finally at home we skate directly to the nearby Burger King for a fresh grilled burger and something cold to drink.

~ Daniel Edman

<-- Part 6 | Part 8 of this Article -->

Daniel Edman

Ulf Haase

Related Links
Daniel's Wild Week in Mallorca - Part 1
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