Dronten Outdoor Ice Skating Track
IN DUTCH: IJSbaan Dronten
Outdoor natural ice skating track managed by
the IJsclub Dronten since 1963.
Each year the track opens for
some period between November 1 and March 1
when the ice is at least 8 centimeters thick.
The rink is located at
Eskimolaan 1, city of Dronten,
province of Flevoland, in the Netherlands.
Web Site
Leisure World Ice Center
Ice skating rink that first opened as "Ice Rink Kwintus Nova"
in 1998 with a 400 meter track
as its main facility. The rink
closed in 2005 but in September of 2010
it was re-opened, and as of march 2020
it was ranked as #18 among the
fastest ice rinks in the Netherlands.
The 2014 edition of the Dutch Championships of Marathon Skating on Artificial Ice
(Nederlandse Kampioenschappen Marathonschaatsen op Kunstijs)
was held here on January 5, 2014.
The rink is located
in the city of Dronton, province of Flevoland, in the Netherlands.
Web Site: leisureworld.nl/schaatsen/ (offline)
Web Site: leisureworld.nl/ijsbaan/ (offline)
Web Site: leisureworld.nl/verenigingen/ (offline)
Wikipedia (NL)
Leisure World Ice Center | 3 | 1998 | Artificial Ice | Indoor |
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