Roller Sports Events
EVENT: ACRS Elective Congress
DATE: December 3, 2016
ORGANIZER: Federation Beninoise de Roller Sports
LOCATION: Cotonou, Benin
Event was ttended by 14 National federations including Benin, Ivory Coast, Guinea,
Nigeria, Togo, Senegal, Liberia, Ghana, Gabon, RD Congo, Cameroon,
Egypt, Mozambique, and Angola
- Mr. Nathanael Koty of Benin elected as President of the ACRS
- Sameh Hager, Board Member of the Egyptian Federation, elected as Vice President.
- South Area: Petro Azevedo from Angola
- Central Area: Emile Keumale from Cameroon
- North Africa: Sameh Hager from Egypt (as Commissioner)
- West Africa: Jakob Bright from Liberia
- East Africa: no Federation was present.
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Benin at the African Games - Wikipedia Category
Benin at the Olympics - Wikipedia Category
Benin at the Paralympics - Wikipedia Category
Benin at the Islamic Solidarity Games - Wikipedia Category
Benin at the Youth Olympics - Wikipedia Category
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